Shanklin Sailing Club, Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com 07787 155800
Next high tide: Mon (4.01m)

Cup winners

previous year     following year


Cup 1st 2nd 3rd
1922 W Lodge Cup Keith Newnham
Annual Raffle Chelsea Hyde
Baker Challenge Cup Keith Newnham
Crews Cup Lisa Holmberg
Fred Yelf Challenge Cup Erling Holmberg
H F Fleming Junior Cup S Routledge
H F Fleming Ladies Cup Lisa Holmberg
John Foster Cup Geoff Howlett
Preston Points Cup Erling Holmberg
Revill Points Cup Erling Holmberg
September Challenge Cup Erling Holmberg
Silver Jubilee Challenge Cup Erling Holmberg
Summer Series Tankard I Bolton

Shanklin Sailing Club
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EA


01983 721264
Shanklin Sailing Club burgee

Shanklin Sailing Club burgee
© Shanklin Sailing Club MMVI - MMXXV

Web design and racing software by Island Webservices
Shanklin Sailing Club