Shanklin Sailing Club, Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com 07787 155800
Next high tide: Mon (4.01m)

Patrol Boat Operating Procedures

First Checks:
1 Ensure the Boat is properly inflated before going afloat, otherwise the hull will flex.
2 Check there is adequate fuel, the breather valve is open and fuel can secure.
3 Ensure boat has oars/paddle.
4 Check Safety Canister is in place and secured and tow rope is aboard.
5 Check you have a VHF Radio in a protective sleeve for the model M35, do a Radio Check.
6 Transport Boat to and from the beach safely two to four persons are required
7 Ensure engine is tilted halve way up to avoid damage to propeller/ prop. guard

Using ideally four people, push the trailer into the water and float/pull away from trailer.
One person should hold the bow facing the incoming waves, seesawing boat over each wave.
Coxswain to clamber aboard fit Kill Cord around leg and check no person is near the propeller.
Check engine is in neutral, squeeze the fuel bulb to prime the fuel, start engine check there is a stream of cooling water.
When ready to embark advise others to move away, and motor out into deeper water, lower the engine.

General Measures:
RYA Level 2 Power Boat qualification is preferred for Coxswain.
Buoyancy Aids must be worn.
Keep careful look out for swimmers near beach areas.
Coxswain must drive in a safe and seaman like manner.
Count the number of boats starting the event; keep a careful look out for boats in difficulty.
The correct and recognised method of retrieving people from the water must be strictly adhered to

Landing after all boats are ashore:
If large surf is breaking, radio to the Race Officer for assistance before arriving on the beach.
Ensure engine is on Tilt, be careful to keep the boat stern- on to the breaking surf but be careful not to out run it.
When the wave starts to break accelerate then kill the engine. Lift the engine quickly and let the boat ride up onto the beach under its own momentum.

Storage and Maintenance:
Flush the engine (Suzuki remove the Black screw plug and insert hose, Evinrude connect hose to yellow connector) no need to start engine. Wash boat and engine to remove salt. Charge Radio.

Shanklin Sailing Club
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EA


01983 721264
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© Shanklin Sailing Club MMVI - MMXXV

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Shanklin Sailing Club