Shanklin Sailing Club, Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com 07787 155800
Next high tide: Mon (4.01m)

Membership / renewals 2025

You can contact the secretary, Nick Guest on nickguesteducation@gmail.com or 07951 619277.

Please note Shanklin Sailing Club is primarily a Dart 15 sailing club and boat park space is reserved mainly for this class of boat.

Paid before end 28/2/25 Full amount
Single £68.00 £79.00
Family £85.00 £98.00
Couple £75.00 £87.00
Non sailing member £11.00 £13.00
Associate membership £25.00 £29.00
Kayak / board £64.00 £74.00
Boat park £145.00 £167.00
Boat park and kayak / board £178.00 £205.00

We always welcome new members and if you wish to bring a new boat to Shanklin Sailing Club, please call Yvonne on 07787 155800 in advance of filling in this form.

Boat Park and racking spaces are allocated at the discretion of the Committee and priority will be given to those members who most frequently utilise their craft and the Club's facilities. Subject to all fees having been paid.

Form disabled until new prices are added for 2025

Membership form

Date of birth (if under 18):
Address including postcode:
Other applicants:
Date of birth (if under 18):
Date of birth (if under 18):
Date of birth (if under 18):
Date of birth (if under 18):
Subscriptions required: please state numbers. 1 family or 1 couple = 1 sub
Non sailing member:
Full single:
Associate membership:
Open to Yaverland SBC members only
Boat park:
Don't forget the boat!
Kayak or board:
Boat details: (class, number, name etc)
Any other information:
New applicants are asked to give the names of a proposer and a seconder, if you cannot do so, leave blank.

Please note

Shanklin Sailing Club is a sailing club. It does not have bar or full catering facilities. If you want to sail regularly then you are most welcome to join.

I am happy to be sent information from Shanklin Sailing Club via email. I understand my details will not be shared to 3rd parties.
I hereby apply to become a member of Shanklin Sailing Club. If my application is successful I agree to abide by the rules of the club and the club's boat yard protocol. I confirm that any craft sailed or parked at Shanklin Sailing Club will have suitable third party insurance up to £2m.

Shanklin Sailing Club
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EA


01983 721264
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© Shanklin Sailing Club MMVI - MMXXV

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Shanklin Sailing Club