Shanklin Sailing Club, Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com 07787 155800
Next high tide: Mon (4.01m)

Sailing hints

Click on links below for more details

Sep '17
Water at the mark

The rights of way at a mark of the course depend on what type of buoy is being rounded. Start buoy There is no right to water at a start buoy (or committee boat). Starboard has rights over port. Leeward boats have right of way over windward boats and can luff them as high as head-to-wind until ...
Feb '17
Challenger rigging instructions

Attached is information on setting up the Challenger trimaran. Challenger handbook
Sep '15
Launching in waves

The key to launching a Sprint 15 in large surf is to start from the right place, go at the right angle and drive the boat hard. Look at the wind direction. If the wind is coming from the left as you look out directly to sea, start on a port tack, if it is coming from the right, start on starboard....
Mar '15
Course notes - practice and lesson

Day 1 Before the start Look at the forecast and the tide tables Try to get to the club as early as possible so as not to rush Take a good look at the course, making note of the start buoys, direction of rounding and number of laps Try to understand what point of sail you are on at least...
Dec '12
Tidal stream in Sandown Bay

Below are the tidal directions and strengths for Sandown Bay. Estimates are specifically for 50°38.03' N, 1°6.58' W which is approximately 2 NM due east of the sailing club. Speeds are in knots. Times refer to Portsmouth High Water. Hours Direction Springs Neaps -6 058 NE by E 1.4...
Mar '12
Beaufort Scale

Force Description Wind speed 0 Calm < 1 knot 1 Light air 1-2 knots 2 Light breeze 3-6 knots 3 Gentle breeze 7-10 knots 4 Moderate breeze 11-15 knots 5 Fresh breeze 16-20 knots 6 Strong breeze 21-26 knots 7 High wind, moderate gale, near gale 27-33 knots 8 Gale, fresh gale 34-4...
Jan '10
Heavy weather sailing

By Paul Tanner On the beats I had the traveller about 1 foot from the end of the track and the main sheeted block to block. I concentrated on driving the boat through the waves and hiking out hard in the gusts. When the gusts were really strong I tended to point up higher and wait for it to pass, t...
Jan '10

Sprint 15 boat setup 13th August 2012 measurement is from halyard shackle pin to top of traveller track. ↓↓↓ ↓↓↓ forestay shroud pin feet/inches mm forestay ...

Shanklin Sailing Club
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EA


01983 721264
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Shanklin Sailing Club