Shanklin Sailing Club, Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com 07787 155800
Next high tide: Mon (4.01m)

Annual Raffle

Year 1st 2nd 3rd
1985 Keith Newnham
1986 Les Holmberg
1987 Keith Newnham
1988 P Westwood
1991 Erling Holmberg
1994 David Wiggins
1995 Keith Newnham
1996 Keith Newnham
1997 Keith Newnham
1999 Chelsea Hyde
2000 P Westwood
2001 Keith Newnham
2002 Les Holmberg
2003 Keith Newnham
2005 Jan Routledge

Shanklin Sailing Club
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EA


01983 721264
Shanklin Sailing Club burgee

Shanklin Sailing Club burgee
© Shanklin Sailing Club MMVI - MMXXV

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Shanklin Sailing Club