Shanklin Sailing Club, Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com 07787 155800
Next high tide: Mon (4.01m)

Gold, silver and bronze fleets

The fleets in the Revill and Preston Points Series will be divided into Gold, Silver and Bronze.

All sailors race together with the same start line, course and start time.

In the Revill Points Series on Thursdays the Silver Fleet will contest the W Lodge Cup and the Bronze fleet the Ventnor Regatta 1938 Cup.

In the Preston Points Series on Sundays the Silver Fleet will contest the Keith Prowse Cup and the Bronze Fleet will race for the 1927 CE Baker Cup.

As before, lower classified sailors are able to also contest the higher rated cups - so a bronze fleet helmsman could win the Keith Prowse Cup or the Preston Points Cup.

The Revill Gold Fleet
Simon Giles, Paul Grattage, Chris Murphy, Sean McKenna, Keith Newnham, Stuart Pierce, Mark Pritchard, Liam Thom

The Revill Silver Fleet
Bob Baker, Ian Bolton, Lewis Couch, Kevin Ellis, Nick Guest, Andrew Jefferies, Geoff Leather, Sophia McKenna, Tony Murrant, Jo Murphy, John Shenton, Yvonne Pike, Shaun Smith, Ian Wilkinson

All others Bronze

The Preston Gold Fleet
Simon Giles, Paul Grattage, Andrew Jefferies, Sean McKenna, Keith Newnham, Stuart Pierce, Yvonne Pike, Mark Pritchard, Liam Thom

The Preston Silver Fleet
Bob Baker, Ian Bolton, Lewis Couch, Kevin Ellis, Nick Guest, Geoff Leather, Chris Murphy, Tony Murrant, Jo Murphy, John Shenton, Shaun Smith, Ian Wilkinson

All others Bronze

Shanklin Sailing Club
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EA


01983 721264
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Shanklin Sailing Club