Shanklin Sailing Club, Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com 07787 155800
Next high tide: Mon (4.01m)

VHF Communications


156.00 MHz to 162.025 MHz divided into 59 channels with 25kHz between each. Plus national authorities allocate a number of private channels. ( Channel M1 and M2 in UK waters). Sometimes called P1 and P4.

Coastal Station Radio (Marina) Licence Granted to Shanklin Sailing Club

Channel M1 (channel 37A) simplex channel used for communications to safety boats ( UK waters only)

Channel M2 simplex channel preferred for race control (UK waters only)

Channel 80 duplex channel used by UK marinas and ships calling them.

Chanel 80 can only be used by licenced operators, hence we will not use this frequency. It also uses duplex mode.

Simplex and Duplex Working

Simplex transmission on possible in one direction, either transmit or receive but not at the same time

Duplex can transmit and receive simultaneously, requires two frequencies and two antennas

Power Transmitted

For the Base Station and Portable Transceivers 1 watt (we are licensed up to 5 watts)

This will provide coverage between patrol boats and the Base Station within Sandown Bay.


Shanklin Sailing Club Base station - Shanklin Base

Patrol Boat Names
Shanklin Zap
Shanklin RIB


Each handheld has been granted a Ship Portable Licence and is and is issued with an international call sign which includes the letter “T” to denote it is “transportable” and licensed to an individual and not a vessel

We have two portables one for each Safety Boat, these are waterproof and will float. We recommend you attach the handheld to your clothes to avoid it being lost.

After use they should be washed in fresh water to prevent the keypads becoming unusable due to salt crystallization, they should be left in their chargers located in the starters hut.

Preparing Base Station to make a Routine Call

1 Turn the set on, the display will illuminate

2 Check Channel 37A is selected and the power is set to “ LOW”

3 If set is noisy adjust squelch control to mute the noise.

4 Check if another users are transmitting, if they are, wait until they stop transmitting so that the channel is clear.

5 Hold the microphone about 8/10 centimetres from the mouth, press the Transmit Switch and hold down to Transmit your message.

6 Speak slowly and clearly at your normal conversation level.


Shanklin Zap Shanklin Zap Shanklin Zap this is Shanklin Base then your message (e.g.Radio Check ) over ( the word over means you are waiting for a reply)

Note: It is good practise to check the Communications with each Patrol Boat is working by requesting a Radio Check when the boat is afloat

7 Release Transmit switch and wait for the Patrol boat volunteer to reply that the message. If no response repeat the message.

8 When racing has been completed and all the participants are ashore, before leaving, please check the base station has been switched off.


1 Check the portable transceiver is set to channel 37A and the power is set to “LOW”.
If set is noisy adjust squelch control to mute the noise.

2 Check if another users are transmitting, if they are, wait until they stop transmitting so that the channel is clear.

3 Hold the portable about 8/10 centimetres from the mouth, press the Transmit Switch and hold down to Transmit your message. Try and shelter the portable from the wind to avoid wind noise.

4 Speak slowly and clearly at your normal conversation level

5 Shanklin Base Shanklin Base Shanklin Base this is Shanklin Zap then message (e.g. Pico capsized near Race Mark 3 is now sailing back having decided to retire) over (the word over means you are waiting for a reply)

Note: Unanswered calls. Check volume and squelch controls, you must wait two minutes, before calling again


This is used for cruising or racing yachts to call for assistance in the event of an emergency. For the absence of doubt Sailing Clubs are not licensed to use this facility. However, in the event of danger to life this channel can be used.


The first priority is to arrange for the removal of the casualties to hospital. The Patrol Boat volunteer should call the Shanklin Base and request the Race Officer to phone for an ambulance, then transport the casualties to the Beach. Where the Paramedics can gain access to the person(s).

Note: Two phones are available, one in the starter's hut and one in the lounge near the computer system.

Shanklin Sailing Club
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EA


01983 721264
Shanklin Sailing Club burgee

Shanklin Sailing Club burgee
© Shanklin Sailing Club MMVI - MMXXV

Web design and racing software by Island Webservices
Shanklin Sailing Club