Shanklin Sailing Club, Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com 07787 155800
Next high tide: Mon (4.01m)

Ventnor Race (2024)

Total entries in series: 21
Number raced: 2 out of 2
Number of discards: 0.

Helm R1 R2 Points
1st Keith Newnham 2 2 4.00
2nd Stuart Pierce .75 5 5.75
3rd Ian Wilkinson 3 6 9.00
4th Bob Marks 10 .75 10.75
5th Ian Bolton 8 4 12.00
6th Nick Guest 4 10 14.00
7th Tony Murrant 6 8 14.00
8th Andrew Dean 13 3 16.00
9th James Pike 9 7 16.00
10th Todd Murrant 6 12 18.00
11th Kevin Ellis 5 15 20.00
12th David Allen 11 9 20.00
13th Chris Murphy 14 14 28.00
14th Harry Vernon 12 18 30.00
15th John Moram 18 13 31.00
16th Richard Phelps 16 16 32.00
17th David Sanchez 22DNF 11 33.00
18th Pascoal Fernandes 17 17 34.00
19th Karl Naumann 15 21 36.00
20th Jerry Robertson 19 19 38.00
21st Neil Williams 22DNF 20 42.00

Race 1 - Sunday 2nd June 2024

1000. F3 NE. Race to Ventnor.

Helm Sail Crew Time Points
1st Stuart Pierce 1916 0.75
2nd Keith Newnham 1150 2
3rd Ian Wilkinson 1947 3
4th Nick Guest 1920 4
5th Kevin Ellis 1944 5
6th Todd Murrant 1357 6
6th Tony Murrant 1970 6
8th Ian Bolton 1698 8
9th James Pike 1709 9
10th Bob Marks 1960 10
11th David Allen 642 11
12th Harry Vernon 1907 12
13th Andrew Dean 1347 13
14th Chris Murphy 1927 14
15th Karl Naumann 194 Sarah Naumann 15
16th Richard Phelps 1728 16
17th Pascoal Fernandes 1866 17
18th John Moram 554 18
19th Jerry Robertson 1781 19
20th Neil Williams 1863 Tabby Williams 22 DNF
20th David Sanchez 1475 22 DNF

Race 2 - Sunday 2nd June 2024

1300. F3 SW. Race to Shanklin.

Helm Sail Crew Time Points
1st Bob Marks 1960 0.75
2nd Keith Newnham 1150 2
3rd Andrew Dean 1347 3
4th Ian Bolton 1698 4
5th Stuart Pierce 1916 5
6th Ian Wilkinson 1947 6
7th James Pike 1709 7
8th Tony Murrant 1970 8
9th David Allen 642 9
10th Nick Guest 1920 10
11th David Sanchez 1475 11
12th Todd Murrant 1357 12
13th John Moram 554 13
14th Chris Murphy 1927 14
15th Kevin Ellis 1944 15
16th Richard Phelps 1728 16
17th Pascoal Fernandes 1866 17
18th Harry Vernon 1907 18
19th Jerry Robertson 1781 19
20th Neil Williams 1863 Amelia Creswell 20
21st Karl Naumann 194 Elise Naumann 21

Shanklin Sailing Club
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EA


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Shanklin Sailing Club