Shanklin Sailing Club, Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com 07787 155800
Next high tide: Sat (4.55m)

Sandown Regatta Race 2 (2021)

Total entries in series: 16
Number raced: 1 out of 1
Number of discards: 0.

Print these results

Overall results

Helm Club R1 Points
1st Simon Giles Shanklin Sailing Club 1 1.00
2nd Stuart Pierce Shanklin Sailing Club 2 2.00
3rd Mark Pritchard Shanklin Sailing Club 3 3.00
4th John Shenton Shanklin Sailing Club 4 4.00
5th Nick Guest Shanklin Sailing Club 5 5.00
6th Tom Sayer Yaverland Sailing and Boat Club 6 6.00
7th Tony Murrant Shanklin Sailing Club 7 7.00
8th Kevin Ellis Shanklin Sailing Club 8 8.00
9th Shaun Smith Shanklin Sailing Club 9 9.00
10th Todd Murrant Shanklin Sailing Club 10 10.00
11th Mark Batchelor Yaverland Sailing and Boat Club 11 11.00
12th Chris Sheath Yaverland Sailing and Boat Club 12 12.00
13th Jamie Lavender Shanklin Sailing Club 13 13.00
14th Pascoal Fernandes Shanklin Sailing Club 14 14.00
15th Andrew Dean Shanklin Sailing Club 15 15.00
16th Ben Gruber Shanklin Sailing Club 16 16.00

Two up

Helm Crew R1 Points
1st Mark Batchelor Gareth Davies 11 11.00
2nd Chris Sheath Phil Midworth 12 12.00
3rd Jamie Lavender Tina Lavender 13 13.00
4th Ben Gruber Nils Wedi 16 16.00

Sport Mode

Helm R1 Points
1st Mark Pritchard 3 3.00
2nd Nick Guest 5 5.00
3rd Kevin Ellis 8 8.00
4th Pascoal Fernandes 14 14.00
5th Andrew Dean 15 15.00

Over 60s

Helm R1 Points

Race 1 - Thursday 12th August 2021

1300. F4 S. Course: windward-leeward. 4 laps.

Handicap using PY

Helm Sail Crew Time Class H'cap Adj time Points
1st Simon Giles 2029 47' 11'' Sprint 15 926 50' 57'' 1
2nd Stuart Pierce 1916 49' 3'' Sprint 15 926 52' 58'' 2
3rd Mark Pritchard 1979 49' 16'' Sprint 15 Sport 894 55' 6'' 3
4th John Shenton 1956 54' 5'' Sprint 15 926 58' 24'' 4
5th Nick Guest 1920 52' 33'' Sprint 15 Sport 894 58' 47'' 5
6th Tom Sayer 1961 55' 5'' Sprint 15 926 59' 29'' 6
7th Tony Murrant 1970 55' 9'' Sprint 15 926 59' 33'' 7
8th Kevin Ellis 1944 54' 10'' Sprint 15 Sport 894 1h 0' 35'' 8
9th Shaun Smith 1781 56' 40'' Sprint 15 926 1h 1' 12'' 9
10th Todd Murrant 1357 58' 10'' Sprint 15 926 1h 2' 49'' 10
11th Mark Batchelor 5234 Gareth Davies 52' 52'' Dart 18 832 1h 3' 33'' 11
12th Chris Sheath 3300 Phil Midworth 56' 15'' Dart 16x 842 1h 6' 48'' 12
13th Jamie Lavender 2670 Tina Lavender 1h 0' 8'' Dart 16 890 1h 7' 34'' 13
14th Pascoal Fernandes 705 1h 1' 6'' Sprint 15 Sport 894 1h 8' 21'' 14
15th Andrew Dean 1347 1h 1' 24'' Sprint 15 Sport 894 1h 8' 41'' 15
16th Ben Gruber 1365 Nils Wedi 1h 4' 17'' Sprint 15 926 1h 9' 25'' 16

Shanklin Sailing Club
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EA


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Shanklin Sailing Club