Shanklin Sailing Club, Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com 07787 155800
Next high tide: Sat (4.55m)

Sandown Regatta Race 1 (2015)

Total entries in series: 6
Number raced: 1 out of 1
Number of discards: 0.

Print these results

Overall results

Helm Club R1 Points
1st Chris Murphy Shanklin Sailing Club 1 1.00
2nd J Lavender 2 2.00
3rd Paul Hales Shanklin Sailing Club 3 3.00
4th Yvonne Pike Shanklin Sailing Club 4 4.00
5th Craig Rose Shanklin Sailing Club 5 5.00
6th James Pike Shanklin Sailing Club 6 6.00

Two up

Helm Crew R1 Points
1st Chris Murphy Haydn Lavender 1 1.00
2nd Paul Hales Jackie Ansell 3 3.00
3rd James Pike Danny McGovern 6 6.00

Sport Mode

Helm R1 Points

Over 60s

Helm R1 Points

Race 1 - Sunday 9th August 2015

1100. F3 W. Times based on 4 laps.

Handicap using PY

Helm Sail Crew Time Class H'cap Adj time Points
1st Chris Murphy 6498 Haydn Lavender 52' 34'' Dart 18 814 1h 4' 35'' 1
2nd J Lavender 2670 1h 1' 36'' Dart 16 910 1h 7' 42'' 2
3rd Paul Hales 863 Jackie Ansell 1h 21' 27'' Topaz Xenon 1070 1h 16' 7'' 3
4th Yvonne Pike 1h 43' 52'' Laser Pico 1330 1h 18' 6'' 4
5th Craig Rose 1h 32' 6'' Challenger 1150 1h 20' 5'' 5
6th James Pike 1194 Danny McGovern 1h 55' 34'' Laser Pico 1330 1h 26' 54'' 6

Shanklin Sailing Club
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EA


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Shanklin Sailing Club