Shanklin Sailing Club, Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com 07787 155800
Next high tide: Sat (4.55m)

Sport Nationals (2013)

Total entries in series: 28
Number raced: 7 out of 7
Number of discards: 2. Discarded points are scored through.

Print these results

Overall results

Helm Club R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 Points
1st Sean McKenna Shanklin Sailing Club 1 3 1 5 1 7 28DNF 11.00
2nd Stuart Snell Grafham Sailing Club 5 29DNF 3 4 2 3 1 13.00
3rd Paul Grattage Shanklin Sailing Club 4 1 6 2 7 5 2 14.00
4th Robin Leather Gurnard Sailing Club 8 2 11 1 4 1 28DNF 16.00
5th Kevin Dutch Seasalter Sailing Club 3 5 2 8 14 4 4 18.00
6th Erling Holmberg Shanklin Sailing Club 9 6 4 13 9 6 28DNF 34.00
7th Paul Craft Worthing Sailing Club 13 4 13 6 10 13 3 36.00
8th Simon Giles Shanklin Sailing Club 2 25 10 10 16 10 5 37.00
9th Paul Tanner Shaklin Sailing Club 10 7 8 7 8 8 28DNF 38.00
10th Sam Heaton North Devon Yacht Club 11 24 7 11 5 21 9 43.00
11th Stuart Pierce Shanklin Sailing Club 6 9 18 17 3 23 13 48.00
12th Brian Phipps Windsport 29 29DNF 12 3 6 2 28DNF 51.00
13th Robert England Carsington SC 7 17 9 16 24 11 8 51.00
14th Liam Thom Shanklin Sailing Club 22 22 5 9 13 15 10 52.00
15th George Stephen Queen Mary Sailing Club 14 11 14 19 11 12 7 55.00
16th Mark Pritchard Shanklin Sailing Club 12 12 16 12 26 17 6 58.00
17th Nick Dewhirst Whitstable Sailing Club 18 8 17 23 17 19 11 71.00
18th Amy Rickards Shanklin Sailing Club 19 13 23 20 23 9 12 73.00
19th Chris Murphy Shanklin Sailing Club 23 10 19 18 18 16 16 78.00
20th Stewart Pegum Oxford Sailing Club 26 14 22 14 25 14 14 78.00
21st Gordon Goldstone Queen Mary Sailing Club 15 20 21 25 12 20 17 84.00
22nd Ian Mounce North Devon Yacht Club 16 23 24 22 20 18 15 91.00
23rd Ray Gall Carsington Sailing Club 20 18 15 24 19 22 28DNF 94.00
24th Ian Bolton Shanklin Sailing Club 21 16 26 15 29DNF 24 20 96.00
25th John Manning Beaver Sailing Club 24 15 27 21 21 26 18 99.00
26th Bob Marks Shanklin Sailing Club 27 21 28 28DNF 15 29DNF 19 110.00
27th Alan Howie-Wood Shanklin Sailing Club 25 19 25 28DNF 27 25 21 115.00
28th Tom Sayer Yaverland Sailing and Boat Club 17 29DNF 20 29 22 29DNF 29 117.00

Over 60s

Helm R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 Points
1st Stuart Snell 5 29DNF 3 4 2 3 1 13.00
2nd Erling Holmberg 9 6 4 13 9 6 28DNF 34.00
3rd Robert England 7 17 9 16 24 11 8 51.00
4th George Stephen 14 11 14 19 11 12 7 55.00
5th Nick Dewhirst 18 8 17 23 17 19 11 71.00
6th Gordon Goldstone 15 20 21 25 12 20 17 84.00
7th John Manning 24 15 27 21 21 26 18 99.00
8th Alan Howie-Wood 25 19 25 28DNF 27 25 21 115.00

Race 1 - Friday 17th May 2013

1400. Course 2. F1 E.

Helm Sail Crew Time Points
1st Sean McKenna 1979 1
2nd Simon Giles 1944 2
3rd Kevin Dutch 1938 3
4th Paul Grattage 458 4
5th Stuart Snell 982 5 discarded
6th Stuart Pierce 1813 6
7th Robert England 1351 7
8th Robin Leather 1952 8
9th Erling Holmberg 2007 9
10th Paul Tanner 1953 10 discarded
11th Sam Heaton 685 11
12th Mark Pritchard 1907 12
13th Paul Craft 1267 13 discarded
14th George Stephen 1594 14 discarded
15th Gordon Goldstone 2004 15
16th Ian Mounce 1951 16
17th Tom Sayer 1961 17
18th Nick Dewhirst 2006 18
19th Amy Rickards 1770 19
20th Ray Gall 1914 20
21st Ian Bolton 1698 21
22nd Liam Thom 1957 22 discarded
23rd Chris Murphy 554 23 discarded
24th John Manning 1955 24
25th Alan Howie-Wood 1958 25
26th Stewart Pegum 1918 26 discarded
27th Bob Marks 1960 27

Race 2 - Friday 17th May 2013

1530. F1 E. Course 2.

Helm Sail Crew Time Points
1st Paul Grattage 458 1
2nd Robin Leather 1952 2
3rd Sean McKenna 1979 3
4th Paul Craft 1267 4
5th Kevin Dutch 1938 5
6th Erling Holmberg 2007 6
7th Paul Tanner 1953 7
8th Nick Dewhirst 2006 8
9th Stuart Pierce 1813 9
10th Chris Murphy 554 10
11th George Stephen 1594 11
12th Mark Pritchard 1907 12
13th Amy Rickards 1770 13
14th Stewart Pegum 1918 14
15th John Manning 1955 15
16th Ian Bolton 1698 16
17th Robert England 1351 17 discarded
18th Ray Gall 1914 18
19th Alan Howie-Wood 1958 19
20th Gordon Goldstone 2004 20
21st Bob Marks 1960 21
22nd Liam Thom 1957 22 discarded
23rd Ian Mounce 1951 23 discarded
24th Sam Heaton 685 24 discarded
25th Simon Giles 1944 25 discarded
26th Brian Phipps 2015 29 DNF discarded
26th Stuart Snell 982 29 DNF discarded
26th Tom Sayer 1961 29 DNF discarded

Race 3 - Saturday 18th May 2013

1130. F2-3 SW. Course 1.

Helm Sail Crew Time Points
1st Sean McKenna 1979 1
2nd Kevin Dutch 1938 2
3rd Stuart Snell 982 3
4th Erling Holmberg 2007 4
5th Liam Thom 1957 5
6th Paul Grattage 458 6 discarded
7th Sam Heaton 685 7
8th Paul Tanner 1953 8
9th Robert England 1351 9
10th Simon Giles 1944 10
11th Robin Leather 1952 11 discarded
12th Brian Phipps 2015 12
13th Paul Craft 1267 13 discarded
14th George Stephen 1594 14
15th Ray Gall 1914 15
16th Mark Pritchard 1907 16
17th Nick Dewhirst 2006 17
18th Stuart Pierce 1813 18 discarded
19th Chris Murphy 554 19 discarded
20th Tom Sayer 1961 20
21st Gordon Goldstone 2004 21 discarded
22nd Stewart Pegum 1918 22
23rd Amy Rickards 1770 23 discarded
24th Ian Mounce 1951 24 discarded
25th Alan Howie-Wood 1958 25
26th Ian Bolton 1698 26 discarded
27th John Manning 1955 27 discarded
28th Bob Marks 1960 28 discarded

Race 4 - Saturday 18th May 2013

1300. F4 SW. Course 1.

Helm Sail Crew Time Points
1st Robin Leather 1952 1
2nd Paul Grattage 458 2
3rd Brian Phipps 2015 3
4th Stuart Snell 982 4
5th Sean McKenna 1979 5
6th Paul Craft 1267 6
7th Paul Tanner 1953 7
8th Kevin Dutch 1938 8 discarded
9th Liam Thom 1957 9
10th Simon Giles 1944 10
11th Sam Heaton 685 11
12th Mark Pritchard 1907 12
13th Erling Holmberg 2007 13 discarded
14th Stewart Pegum 1918 14
15th Ian Bolton 1698 15
16th Robert England 1351 16
17th Stuart Pierce 1813 17
18th Chris Murphy 554 18
19th George Stephen 1594 19 discarded
20th Amy Rickards 1770 20
21st John Manning 1955 21
22nd Ian Mounce 1951 22
23rd Nick Dewhirst 2006 23 discarded
24th Ray Gall 1914 24 discarded
25th Gordon Goldstone 2004 25 discarded
26th Alan Howie-Wood 1958 28 DNF discarded
26th Bob Marks 1960 28 DNF

Race 5 - Saturday 18th May 2013

1540. Variable wind. Course: 1

Helm Sail Crew Time Points
1st Sean McKenna 1979 1
2nd Stuart Snell 982 2
3rd Stuart Pierce 1813 3
4th Robin Leather 1952 4
5th Sam Heaton 685 5
6th Brian Phipps 2015 6
7th Paul Grattage 458 7 discarded
8th Paul Tanner 1953 8
9th Erling Holmberg 2007 9
10th Paul Craft 1267 10
11th George Stephen 1594 11
12th Gordon Goldstone 2004 12
13th Liam Thom 1957 13
14th Kevin Dutch 1938 14 discarded
15th Bob Marks 1960 15
16th Simon Giles 1944 16 discarded
17th Nick Dewhirst 2006 17
18th Chris Murphy 554 18
19th Ray Gall 1914 19
20th Ian Mounce 1951 20
21st John Manning 1955 21
22nd Tom Sayer 1961 22
23rd Amy Rickards 1770 23 discarded
24th Robert England 1351 24 discarded
25th Stewart Pegum 1918 25 discarded
26th Mark Pritchard 1907 26 discarded
27th Alan Howie-Wood 1958 27 discarded
28th Ian Bolton 1698 29 DNF discarded

Race 6 - Sunday 19th May 2013

1000. F3 NW. Course: 3.

Helm Sail Crew Time Points
1st Robin Leather 1952 1
2nd Brian Phipps 2015 2
3rd Stuart Snell 982 3
4th Kevin Dutch 1938 4
5th Paul Grattage 458 5
6th Erling Holmberg 2007 6
7th Sean McKenna 1979 7 discarded
8th Paul Tanner 1953 8
9th Amy Rickards 1770 9
10th Simon Giles 1944 10
11th Robert England 1351 11
12th George Stephen 1594 12
13th Paul Craft 1267 13
14th Stewart Pegum 1918 14
15th Liam Thom 1957 15
16th Chris Murphy 554 16
17th Mark Pritchard 1907 17 discarded
18th Ian Mounce 1951 18
19th Nick Dewhirst 2006 19 discarded
20th Gordon Goldstone 2004 20
21st Sam Heaton 685 21 discarded
22nd Ray Gall 1914 22
23rd Stuart Pierce 1813 23 discarded
24th Ian Bolton 1698 24
25th Alan Howie-Wood 1958 25
26th John Manning 1955 26 discarded
27th Bob Marks 1960 29 DNF discarded
27th Tom Sayer 1961 29 DNF

Race 7 - Sunday 19th May 2013

1130. F4 NW. Course 3.

Helm Sail Crew Time Points
1st Stuart Snell 982 1
2nd Paul Grattage 458 2
3rd Paul Craft 1267 3
4th Kevin Dutch 1938 4
5th Simon Giles 1944 5
6th Mark Pritchard 1907 6
7th George Stephen 1594 7
8th Robert England 1351 8
9th Sam Heaton 685 9
10th Liam Thom 1957 10
11th Nick Dewhirst 2006 11
12th Amy Rickards 1770 12
13th Stuart Pierce 1813 13
14th Stewart Pegum 1918 14
15th Ian Mounce 1951 15
16th Chris Murphy 554 16
17th Gordon Goldstone 2004 17
18th John Manning 1955 18
19th Bob Marks 1960 19
20th Ian Bolton 1698 20
21st Alan Howie-Wood 1958 21
22nd Brian Phipps 2015 28 DNF
22nd Erling Holmberg 2007 28 DNF discarded
22nd Paul Tanner 1953 28 DNF discarded
22nd Ray Gall 1914 28 DNF discarded
22nd Robin Leather 1952 28 DNF discarded
22nd Sean McKenna 1979 28 DNF discarded

Shanklin Sailing Club
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EA


01983 721264
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Shanklin Sailing Club