Shanklin Sailing Club, Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com 07787 155800
Next high tide: Mon (4.01m)

Cup winners

previous year     following year


Cup 1st 2nd 3rd
1922 W Lodge Cup Andrew Cavaciuti John Shenton Harry Vernon
1927 C E Baker Cup Mark Pritchard Simon Giles Stuart Pierce
Amy Rickards Challenge Cup William Morris
Autumn Series Cup Paul Grattage Erling Holmberg Liam Thom
Baker Challenge Cup Erling Holmberg Liam Thom Keith Newnham
Baker Memorial Points Cup Liam Thom Stuart Pierce Sean Strevens
C Gratwick Knight Challenge Cup Erling Holmberg Keith Newnham Liam Thom
Cadet Cup Tom Beasley Lily Giles
(Amy Jones)
Henry Giles
Carl Frere Cup Paul Grattage Stuart Pierce Liam Thom
Channel View Cup Mark Pritchard Keith Newnham Liam Thom
Crews Cup Gregory Mudge Yvonne Pike Simon Giles
E W Austin Cup Paul Grattage Chris Murphy
(Haydn Lavender)
Fireworks Cup Paul Grattage Stuart Pierce Liam Thom
Fred Yelf Challenge Cup Liam Thom William Morris Stuart Pierce
H F Fleming Junior Cup Tom Beasley Gregory Mudge William Morris
H F Fleming Ladies Cup Yvonne Pike
Island Builders Trophy Erling Holmberg Keith Newnham Stuart Pierce
John Foster Cup Bob Marks Ian Bolton Chris Read
Keith Prowse Cup Mark Pritchard Andrew Cavaciuti Stuart Pierce
Margaret Thompson Memorial Trophy Stuart Pierce Liam Thom Sean Strevens
Nettlecombe Cup Lily Giles James Pike Craig Rose
Novice Cup Sean Strevens Brandon Holmberg
(Alfie Wilkinson)
Mark Randerson
(Charlie Randerson)
Olympic Cup Paul Grattage Liam Thom Simon Giles
(Henry Giles)
Percy Westwood Trophy Erling Holmberg Liam Thom Stuart Pierce
Preston Points Cup Liam Thom Keith Newnham Erling Holmberg
Reginald Fox Challenge Cup Erling Holmberg
(Gregory Mudge)
Mark Pritchard
(Jamie Norris )
Liam Thom
(William Morris)
Revill Points Cup Paul Grattage Liam Thom Keith Newnham
September Challenge Cup Sean McKenna
(Sophia McKenna)
Liam Thom Erling Holmberg
September Series Liam Thom John Shenton Paul Grattage
Shanklin Hospital Regatta Challenge Cup Liam Thom Stuart Pierce Erling Holmberg
Silver Jubilee Challenge Cup Erling Holmberg John Shenton Henry Giles
(James Pike)
Stay at Home Cup Sean Strevens Mark Pritchard Andrew Cavaciuti
Summer Series Tankard Erling Holmberg Liam Thom Keith Newnham
Turnabout Cup Tom Beasley
(Erling Holmberg)
Henry Giles
(Simon Giles)
Mark Pritchard
(Jamie Norris)
Ventnor Regatta 1938 Cup Liam Thom Erling Holmberg Paul Grattage
Ventnor Y C Trophy Liam Thom Erling Holmberg Sean Strevens

Shanklin Sailing Club
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EA


01983 721264
Shanklin Sailing Club burgee

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© Shanklin Sailing Club MMVI - MMXXV

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Shanklin Sailing Club