Shanklin Sailing Club, Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com 07787 155800
Next high tide: Wed (4.20m)

Message from the commodore

Dear Shanklin Sailing Club Member

Happy New Year! We hope you had an enjoyable Christmas despite the circumstances and are staying safe during these challenging times.

The Covid committee met remotely last Thursday evening to review the current RYA guidance and government legislation during the current lockdown. Under current rules all sailing clubs and boat parks are required to be closed until this is reviewed, which is currently mid February. The committee will ensure there are weekly visits to check the safety of the boat park and clubhouse and will contact members if there are concerns about their boat. In the meantime the club house and boat park remain closed.

We are all hopeful that the widening vaccine roll out in the next two months will enable more normal life to return in early spring and the committee will do all we can with planning to ensure the club is ready to open and begin sailing as soon as we are allowed.

Please keep an eye on the club website for further information where further updates, proposed race schedules etc will be posted. An important date for the diary is the weekend of the 3/4/5th September when the National Sprint Championships are being held at Yaverland SC jointly hosted by Shanklin Sailing Club.

The timing may not be great but can we remind members that yearly membership fees are now open for renewal! If you wish to take advantage of the early membership offer this needs to be completed by 31st March. The form for renewal is attached to this memo or you may renew online via the Website under Membership & Renewals.

Finally some good news with the safe arrival of Freddie Rose a new baby for Craig and Sam we wish them all the very best and are thankful for some bright news in these gloomy times.

The Covid Committee wish to thank you for your understanding and support during these difficult times, please stay safe with your families and let us hope we can all meet again in the not too distant future.

Nick Guest & Covid Committee

Shanklin Sailing Club
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EA


01983 721264
Shanklin Sailing Club burgee

Shanklin Sailing Club burgee
© Shanklin Sailing Club MMVI - MMXXV

Web design and racing software by Island Webservices
Shanklin Sailing Club