Shanklin Sailing Club, Hope Road, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, PO37 6EA contactus@shanklinsailingclub.com 07787 155800
Next high tide: Wed (4.20m)

Update and Guidance for Social Sailing

Since the start of “relaxation” of the lockdown rules, it is great to see so many members in the boat park, taking their boats onto the water and enjoying sailing once more.

We have established an SSC Covid-19 sub-committee to keep on top of the latest information from both the government and the RYA. We are meeting weekly to discuss the latest developments from both of these sources so that we can be fully prepared and ready for safely resuming racing, and reopening the club-house, as soon as we are permitted to do so.

As our Commodore has highlighted, we are looking at a “phased” reopening of the club and activities. We will not set specific dates for this due to the ongoing, evolving situation. The government’s latest update states that from June 1st, up to six persons from different households can meet up outdoors (socially distanced), opening up the possibility of “casual” racing in the not-too-distance future. We will be discussing the ways in which this can be achieved safely and will advise members as soon as possible.

In the meantime, please can I draw your attention to the following safety guidance for the current social sailing that is permitted. This has been designed for the safety of all club members whilst in the boat park and on the water:
  • Read and follow the RYA flyer attached
  • Observe social distancing at all times. You must always be at least TWO METRES apart.
  • Be mindful of others on the beach and on the water. Our actions reflect on Shanklin Sailing Club.
  • Preparing to sail:
  • Check the following when deciding whether to go afloat:
    • Forecast, temperature, wind speed, direction, sea state, tide, visibility, your own level of competence
  • Ensure you have informed someone that you are going sailing, where you will be sailing and for how long. Ideally arrange to sail with a “buddy” so you can watch out for each other whilst on the water.
  • The club house changing rooms are currently closed so arrive at the boat park “ready to sail”. Drysuits are obviously the easiest option. Ensure you have the right sailing clothes for the conditions. We are still in spring and despite the sunshine, the water temperature is pretty chilly.
  • Do you have the right safety equipment? ALWAYS wear a life-jacket/PFD. We strongly recommend you have the following with you on your boat:
    • Righting line (can also be used as a tow-line)
    • Sail float or mast-head float (if you are unable to right your boat by yourself if you capsize).
    • Paddle or praddle
    • Sailing gloves
    • Wind-indicator
    • Spare rope/shackles
    • Phone or radio
    • Beverage
  • On the water:
  • BE CONSERVATIVE! Sail WITHIN the limits of your ability.
  • Watch out for others around you.
  • If you find the conditions become too much for you, try to get to the nearest beach, regardless of where it is. If you need assistance with a road-trailer please contact Liam Thom 07780-667831.
  • Returning to the boat park:
  • Ideally derig your boat and return to the boat park by yourself. If you need help getting up the beach this can be safely done by someone pushing the boat at the stern.
  • Ensure you have stored all your equipment safely under your boat cover and remember to tie your boat down in case of strong winds before you next sail.
  • If you are the last person in the boatyard, ensure both gates are closed and locked. Return keys to the safety box in the club garden and lock the side gate.

Thank you,
Yvonne Pike


Shanklin Sailing Club
Hope Road
Isle of Wight
PO37 6EA


01983 721264
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Shanklin Sailing Club